Saturday, September 16

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In seminar one, we looked at advancements in communication technology and the benefits and shortcomings that come along with them. For this first journal entry, think and write about how an example of modern-day communication technology has a good side and a bad side.

[Whew, procrastinated this for a long time but it is finally here..! ;P]

Communication Technology -- Cell phones, television, MP3 players, video games, and the Internet; is everything (in today's world). As everyone already knows, life without technology is not possible.. anymore. It has become so advanced that without it, we will not be able to survive. Like, if in the past -- when technology wasn't as advanced as now -- they had destroyed everything down and just continued their "primitive" ways, they would still be able to go on without much hassle. However, if we try that now, we would be doing almost the same thing as suicide! Just imagining a month without communication over the phone, MSN, video games, music, cell phones, and the internet would make some people faint. I mean, I cannot spend one day without music or the internet or entertainment (which is basically technology) so if I was asked if I was up for technology and if I was
in favour of it I would definitely say that I am.
Technology now days is so highly developed that it would be no surprise -- if at some point in the future -- it were able to take over or destroy us completely. [Sorry, I think the whole Terminator thing has gone to my head ^^ "] But if that were true, it would really be no shock because even from the beginning we all knew that technology had its advantages and disadvantages. Yet, we are still going on, destroying all the 'nature' stuff and what not...
For example -- Blogging; it is like a journal online where one can write whatever they wish. There are also sites where you can add pictures and videos and a lot of different kinds of features that can reveal your identity or give away a lot of personal messages. This can be fun, impressive, and good to play around and decorate with. However, it is also another thing -- dangerous. Web sites on the net like MySpace, Hi5, Orkut, and many others where chatting, messaging, sharing pictures and/or videos are enabled are considered dangerous and unsafe. This is because (as you already know) not all people online are friendly or understand what the person they are chatting with or having an online connection with mean. There are people who might mistaken certain connections for a relationship and might come after you (like in many, many, MANY shows) and can be dangerous. Especially stalkers, or mentally challenged people (no offence, like you know... people who misunderstand) [Once again, I'm watching too much television ^^"].
Chat rooms are also risky. I mean of course there are many who have found soul mates and dates through them but there have been more in number that have been put through danger. Yet, I also think that it is not just the chat room's fault for being there but also the victim's who get into a mess because they don't follow the rules. So altogether, I agree that there is neseccity for balance in the world and with the statement With the good things come the bad because it indicates to a lot of things and situations.

Thursday, September 14


Hii, Im ANDREA and I dont usually blog about things but I have to for Media so bear with me ^^ ". I dont really have much to tell except I like anime, asian music, asian dramas, and a lot of other stuff. Umm.. what else, mm.. nope, nothing else. =]