Monday, November 13

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Why are war video games so popular now? "If it's not realistic, it's not worth playing," is a quote in the article. Do you think realistic war games desensitive people to the horror of war or is it just fun? What do you personally think of war video games?

War video games: good or bad? This is just like an example for the first journal [With the GOOD, comes the BAD]. Video games -- I would say are so popular now because it is realistic. Most of the people who play war video games are either children in elementary or teens in high school. Why? Because I said so. [No im kidding =P] Its because the characters in the game are so realistic, we can relate to them and feel like its us that is in the game. Why don't we -- teens -- play older games like... say Pokemon or Mario or something. We don't play those games anymore because they are "lame" now. They are "old and stupid". "If it's not realistic, it's not worth playing" -- the article is right. If the game isn't realistic, it isn't as much fun. If you can't relate to the characters, you can't enjoy it as much as you can with a realistic game. I personally prefer games that are somewhat realistic and somewhat not; car racing for instance. So now we come to the topic of WAR video games. War games have characters that are very much like a real soldier or fighter. They can move their body parts like; ducking, sitting, lying down, standing, etc. Unrealistic games cannot do that. Games like Mario and Pokemon just move around, jump, and attack using fake ammo. That's no fun. That's not real.
So, I think that war games do desensitize people but that is not always true... sometimes its just for fun as well. Even though playing war games and hearing about real war is not the same thing, people still know that there is a difference. They do know what the horrors of war are. And they do know that it is not the same as they played in their games. So personally, even though war games are (no fun to me), I think that they aren't wrong either. Because people don't depend on what they learn from the war games, they depend on what they are brought up as. So even if they played a game that includes people killing other people, I don't think that it gives people the wrong idea about the horrors of war.


At 4:10 p.m., Blogger Justine T said...

hey andrea! I am amazed by your blog-tweaking skills! I have to admit that I'm horrible with these html things! Anyways, I have just read your blog journal "When war meets video games" and was really pleased by it. You are right when you pointed out once again that "with the good comes the bad". Video games are definitely items of entertainment, however, they do have a lot of negativities. And you also brought up the fact that these video games do not always affect the minds of the youth. This is particularly true as you have mentioned that a child's mental development also lies with how he/she is raised up. Unfortunately, these DO affect many young minds even though we may not notice. Well, that's all for now! Keep on posting, i'll be reading. BYE!

At 4:11 p.m., Blogger Justine T said...

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At 5:23 p.m., Blogger .Roshan. said...

I like your article because it flows(unlike mine). It's so easy to read, you don't have to think much because you didn't use big words!! XD But yes as for how you answered the questions i think you did pretty well. You answered in well formatted paragraphs and did not go off topic. Although, you should have showed more of the bad side of video games.(By the way you can't really use pokemon as an example for "old video games" because pokemon is not THAT old). But i like the reason that you have as to why people like to play war games because its true. I like to play war games because they are entertaining and realistic. i get bored of video games really fast so the more realistic and gory the better. Yes, i guess I've been brainwashed. =D


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